
ए अहले वतन - Deepak Salwan

 ए अहले वतन ए अहले वतन मुबारक हो तुझे आज़ादी की यह शाम,  कितनो ने चूमा फांसी को ले के बस एक इंक़लाब का नाम,  तेरी ज़ंजीरें तोड़ने के लिए कितने बाजू कट गए,  तुझे पहचान देने के लिए कितने नाम वक़्त से मिट गए,  तुझे रोशन करने के लिए कितने घरों के चिराग बुझे,  काट गए सर कितने और कितनो ने पिलाया अपना लहू तुझे,  उम्मीद थी उनको  के शब् यह गुलामी की कटेगी और सहर का आफ़ताब आज़ाद होगा  फक्र से सर ऊँचा रहेगा हमेशा और हर घर ख़ुशी से आबाद होगा,  न जात पात के दायरे होंगे, ना हिन्दू ना कोई मुसलमान होगा,  वतन और इंसानियत के रंग में रंगा वतन का हर इंसान होगा,  उम्मीद थी उनको के वतन को हमेशा चराग-ए-आजादी रोशन करेगा,  आने वाली नस्ल याद रखेगी हमें, किसी आँख से तो हमारे लिए एक आंसू बहेगा,  आज वक़्त की गर्द में खो गए हैं वतन के आशिकों के नाम,  ना किसी आँख से आंसू बहता हैं और ना ही कोई हाथ करता है सलाम,  ना कोई रोशन करता है बुझे चरागों को, ना ही कोई देखता है गुजरे वक़्त में,  ना कोई करता है दुआ तेरी खैर के लिए, ना कोई सर झुकता है तेरी अज़मत में,  आज़ादी का सिर्फ नाम रह गया है और पुराने हो गए हैं सब किस्से तमाम,  ए अहले व

लाल जन्नत - Deepak Salwan

  लाल जन्नत ऐ खुदा आज तो तेरी जन्नत का भी रंग लाल होगा तेरे दर पे खून से रँगे कुछ नन्हे फ़रिश्ते आये हैं,   इंसान को बनाने का तो आज तुझे भी कुछ मलाल होगा, ज़मीन पे आ और मंजर तो देख उस मक़्तल का, महसूस कर सूनापन एक रोती हुई माँ की गोद का,  अपने अरमानो को दफन करते हुए सोच एक बाप का क्या हाल होगा,   आज तो तू भी चाहता होगा के तेरा वजूद ही ख़तम हो जाये, आज तो खुदाई भी शर्मिंदा होगी देख के इंसानियत को, आज किस दर पे तू सर झुकायेगा देख के इस हैवानियत को,   तू कहाँ था, तेरी खुदाई कहाँ थी जब मक़तूल हुए थे मासूम कुछ , तेरे सजदे में झुके हर इंसान के ज़ेहन में यह सवाल होगा, तेरे दर पे खून से रँगे  कुछ  नन्हे फरिश्ते आये हैं, ऐ खुदा आज तो तेरी जन्नत का भी रंग लाल होगा. मक़्तल - Place of Slaughter मलाल - Remorse मक़तूल - Those who are slaughtered ज़ेहन - Mind

Pauper’s Plight -Atul Singh

“Sweetest words are those, that connect two people”  Atul It’s the prettiest poem of all yet who can ever write words are just not good enough  to have it come out right It’s about love and hurt and flowers  and thorns that make up life yet when I try to write it I meet the pauper’s plight I can feel them, hear them, see them trickling brooks and chirping birds mountains, trees and heavens and stars lighting up the night I can hear the baby’s laughter and heart wrenching mourner’s wail I have felt fresh morning dew and I have faced the fiercest gale I have lost and found myself some and sometimes I have cried yet when I try to write it words don’t come out right Oh! I wish upon you lots of pleasure and maybe a little pain friend and family’s richness  and also lonesome days Wish that you experience nature’s bounty and all it’s magnificent delights and sometimes I hope you get lost too in the dark and desolate night I seek badly to know you but just as much to be known if you haven’t ex

Begin Again - Deepak Salwan

  BEGIN AGAIN I ain’t nothing but a grim shadow of the past, Limbs tired and an uphill battle rages on daily, Everyday a drag, every breath comes hard, No light at the end, feels like this ain’t gonna last.   Promises broken, mind plays the give-up game, Friendships lost, past bites like cold wind, Choked on emotions, find no vent to drain, No meaning of life, days go on without aim.   Feels like no one is around, so very lonely, All the words waiting to come out, no one to hear, Lost in this crowd, life just passes by, Heart gets desperate, I want to turn back the clock, if only.   Beaten and bruised but will hold my ground and stay, May have lost battles but the war is still on, Will close my eyes and eventually say I am done, Will hang my boots and give up one day but it's not today!   Present may look grim, past may remain riddled with pain, Every day may feel like a failure, every night feel like last, Every step may be an effort, ev

Six word stories - multiple authors

 For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn This is a famous 6-word story created by the great Ernest Hemingway. It was written while Hemingway was out at a restaurant with a group of friends. He bet them ten dollars that he could create a story in only six words, and then wrote this sentence on a napkin. A Six-Word Story should provide a movement of conflict, action, and resolution that gives the sense of a complete story transpiring in a moment's reading. Here are some attempts from CP authors: “You were never the one but I loved you anyways”  Neeti Narang “And then we fell in love” Ramanpreet “She trusted him, the safe was empty” Archana “The divorce lawyer charged her less”  Atul Singh “Only hospital smell survived grandma’s battle” Atul Singh “ She drowned, the storm inside finally quietened.” Durga V. 

परमात्मा - संतोष कुमार गुप्ता

मेहो के गर्जन मेँ तुम हो,  गीतों के सर्जन मेँ  तुम ही,  हो तुम ही संसार,और तुम्ही हो, हर माँ के दिल का प्यार !! पुष्प तुम हो, सौरभ भी तुम ही,  हो तुम्ही मकरंद,  भक्ति रस पूरित ह्रदय के,  हो तुम्ही आनंद | राग तुम हो, रंग तुम हो,  हो तुम्ही सब जंग,  संघर्षपूर्ण जीवन के तुम ही,  हो विजय-प्रसंग |                       संतोषानंद

Hold me forever - Deepak Salwan

  Hold me forever The soothing cool of the feet touching the morning dew, The sensuality of a winter sunset bathing the earth with orange hue, The moment froze as I felt alive and let the feelings go through,   Like gentle waves touching the sea shore, my heart felt the calm, The healing touch of the hands, so compassionate, so warm, The stillness in the embrace like the night washed with moon light, I desperately hoped that time should stop, it just might,   On the wings of love, mind flew like a free bird in the open skies, Feeling that defied gravity and I let myself float in those deep eyes, Heart, so full, was adrift like waters in the river flow, Felt the quietness of the silent cedars in the falling snow,   Hold me forever, let me just stay, I desperately prayed, As I held her in my arms and I gently swayed!

Tokyo Marathon - 2023

It had been in the making for quite sometime, actually multiple years. We applied for entry with charity, got into the race in 2020, but then Covid hit. So for the last two years the race kept getting postponed. The stars finally aligned this year and the race is on and we are on our way there. At this moment, on March 1st, 2023, at about 7 pm Eastern time, I am writing this on my new MacAir, in the plane, half way to Tokyo, to the enigmatic mysterious island of Japan. All I know of the place is that Japanese are amongst the most polite people I have ever met. I also have some patchwork of information bits such as, the US nuclear bombed this country during tenuous WW2 conflict and that this is an aging, hardworking society of very proud citizens, that have held on to their culture and traditions even against the onslaught of mad relentless westernization the world has seen over the last couple of hundred years, colonization and all. I also know some about their bloody history of of war