Begin Again - Deepak Salwan



I ain’t nothing but a grim shadow of the past,

Limbs tired and an uphill battle rages on daily,

Everyday a drag, every breath comes hard,

No light at the end, feels like this ain’t gonna last.


Promises broken, mind plays the give-up game,

Friendships lost, past bites like cold wind,

Choked on emotions, find no vent to drain,

No meaning of life, days go on without aim.


Feels like no one is around, so very lonely,

All the words waiting to come out, no one to hear,

Lost in this crowd, life just passes by,

Heart gets desperate, I want to turn back the clock, if only.


Beaten and bruised but will hold my ground and stay,

May have lost battles but the war is still on,

Will close my eyes and eventually say I am done,

Will hang my boots and give up one day but it's not today!


Present may look grim, past may remain riddled with pain,

Every day may feel like a failure, every night feel like last,

Every step may be an effort, every fall may feel final,

Will gather my will, a deep breath and say begin again!!


  1. Fabulous Deepak… can feel the pain and emptiness reading this.. -Atul

  2. The war will always be on-everyday.
    The fight to win it should always be on-everyday 😊
    You are not alone in the battle field.
    Am a call away … 😊


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