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It doesn't matter ...

It doesn't matter the roles she takes on with pride, Whether CEO or homemaker, in love, she finds her stride. It doesn't matter the feats she daily achieves,    Yet acknowledgment may elude, a dance  like autumn leaves. It doesqn't matter the chores that fill her day,    Turning mundane moments into a ballet. It doesn't matter the love woven in each chore,    Recognition may not always knock at the door. It doesn't matter the billion-dollar tasks she commands,    True wealth lies in the warmth of her hands. It doesn't matter the organizational feats she achieves,    In every tidied corner, her love perceives. It doesn't matter the care in every meal's delight,    A thank-you might feel a distant flight. It doesn't matter even if she manages the whole house,    Acknowledgment may not always find its spouse. It doesn't matter if she works tirelessly round the clock,    Her dedication towards the family echoes, however the admiration may not

Why do we let them!

A friend and I sat down a few days ago, to discuss a pont of view I had expressed rather publicly. He said he was in complete agreement with it but would never say it out loud, for fear of offending some people. This was a few hours after I had had another discussion on the same content where another person had agreed with the content entirely. But I know he would not put that opinion out for fear of retribution. I have reflected upon the same and realized that quite sensible, open minded and thoughtful, positive people have been silenced by exactly the opposite kind; the narrow minded, dishonest, disingenuous and rather destructive people using the most important virtues that the first group prided themselves in. In other words their own goodness has been turned against them to silence and neutralize their opinion on matters of critical importance in our social framework. If we do not recognize this and come out of our artificially crafted shells, we risk pushing the society backwards

A hundred love letters -Atul Singh

A whim and a fancy, a few wordsmithing brave-hearts, a quirky title and ChirpyQuill(CQ) was born. A blog for “Mujhe kuch kehna hai” people. We knew they were walking the sidewalks and by-lanes of life; thinking, contemplating, musing, somewhere. They just needed to be found and introduced to each other, and the world. A year, a hundred writeups(that are love letters really), and twelve thousand views later CQ is not a baby anymore. It isn’t a grown-up either. It’s bones are starting to strengthen. Those around him are building affectionate bonds, with it and amongst themselves. It still has no personality. It adapts to the personality of the clothes grown-ups throw on it each day in their the latest write-up. And that is just fine. The personality will evolve and build. For now let it just imbibe and soak all that it can, from it’s environment. Like we all do. The sapling must grow first. Let it build it’s root systems and gain strength.  So what is it’s design? what is it’s purpose? A

The Rainbow Run - By Nayana Gadkari

Connected to everything, attached to nothing. A friend shared this phrase on a lovely WhatsApp group he and I are a part of. At first glance, it seemed like one of those doctrines from WhatsApp University. Everyone is a life guru now, I chuckled. Ah! But this was a wily one; it stuck with me. It wouldn’t go away as I went through my day, week, month, even. What does it even mean? I thought as I went on a run. I thought about connections and attachments. It led me to discover what had been nagging me for a while now. Validation. Startled, I thought, why would I need validation? And yet… As I ran, I went through my mental Rolodex of people I am either related to or know or love or know and love anyway. Surely I didn’t need validation from everyone? Miles later, I came to a startling realization to the contrary. I realized that I may have created a fragile ecosystem where each person had to periodically play a part in my self-worth. Not hearing from a loved one was a trigger; not getting

I Wonder by Vaibhav Mohan

  I wonder all night in vain If it would once more, your love rain The joyful droplets on my face, Oh my! How difficult it is, to you replace. I wonder all night in vain If I would ever kiss you again, Your lips against mine, ‘Twas the sweet taste of heaven, divine. I wonder all night in vain Why to hear your laughter my ears do strain My playful quips now on deaf ears fall, Like you, no one I can enthrall. I wonder all night in vain When I would think of matters germane But it haunts me, it does- your smile Thinking of which I ran many a mile. I wonder all night in vain Why we sat there, missing the last train Your presence by my side, The wonderful distances we did stride. I wonder all night in vain This wondering, would it drive me insane? The memories stare at me and shout, The scent of your body drifts about. I wonder all night in vain Does it play tricks, my brain? I hear your voice as I pick up the phone, My heart beats wildly, alas! Its only the dial tone. I wonder all night in