I Wonder by Vaibhav Mohan


I wonder all night in vain

If it would once more, your love rain

The joyful droplets on my face,

Oh my! How difficult it is, to you replace.

I wonder all night in vain

If I would ever kiss you again,

Your lips against mine,

‘Twas the sweet taste of heaven, divine.

I wonder all night in vain

Why to hear your laughter my ears do strain

My playful quips now on deaf ears fall,

Like you, no one I can enthrall.

I wonder all night in vain

When I would think of matters germane

But it haunts me, it does- your smile

Thinking of which I ran many a mile.

I wonder all night in vain

Why we sat there, missing the last train

Your presence by my side,

The wonderful distances we did stride.

I wonder all night in vain

This wondering, would it drive me insane?

The memories stare at me and shout,

The scent of your body drifts about.

I wonder all night in vain

Does it play tricks, my brain?

I hear your voice as I pick up the phone,

My heart beats wildly, alas! Its only the dial tone.

I wonder all night in vain

Why you did not complain,

I wasn’t by you in the hour of need,

For each such instance, forgiveness I plead.

I wonder all night in vain

If yourself you do refrain

The long silence due to hesitation

Overcoming all desires and temptation.

I wonder all night in vain

As I cry out for mercy, some treatment humane

My broken heart in the darkness lies,

Shall it heal as time flies?

I wonder all night in vain

When it would end, this pain

This too shall pass, they say,

Why then do I think of us all day?

I wonder all night in vain

When my eyes run dry and plane,

Whose tears shall I borrow

As I traverse this sea of sorrow?

I wonder all night in vain

The knight in shining armor (that’s me), has he been slain?

Did you then his death mourn?

All dreams and hopes asunder torn.

I wonder all night in vain

My thoughts, are they true? They make it plain

You shan’t be back, break all ties with the past!

I cower, how shall I undertake this journey lonely and vast?

I wonder all night in vain

What with platitudes my well wishers gain?

Isn’t it but a consolation prize after a test

To say that everything happens for the best?

I wonder all night in vain

What we have lost, what we did gain

Life isn’t fair as such,

Still you don’t deserve my love as much

I wonder all night in vain

Why with thoughts of you these pages I stain

You’ll be back, till then I’ll sustain

Even if you don’t, in my heart you shall remain…


  1. Wow brother… many of us have loved and lost .. yet this one pierces hard.. just as it should. Beautifully


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