Happy Navratri

Happy Navratri Folks, nine days of celebration and worship of Her and of a rare and unique occurence in the history of mankind, when an ancient and highly evolved society understood the need to recognize and worship Her in Her nine manifestations. 

For highly evolved, secure people who could see the Universe for what it was showing them, It was perhaps easy to bring about their reverence for Her. They could see the most Vital forces of the Universe manifest in her as a mothers, as a wives, as daughters, as artists and even as a fighters to protect Her own. The seers perhaps rejoiced in her glory with eyes closed and the populace, in their daily lives. Needless to say the two came together to dedicate Nine days to Her glory and make this an annual festival. A festival that has no parallel anywhere in the world. 

Any society that does not accord respect to it’s women, even revere the feminine force, which is a direct manifestation of the creative energy of the Universe, will remain confined in the gallows of time, just waiting to be replaced by a better one.

West interestingly has done a fabulous job of giving her space to assert herself and come into her own. Ancient societies like India have codified it in rituals and festivals like Navratri and in cultural norms. Even though deprivations caused by last several hundred years of poverty and servitude and methodical dismantling of the ancient culture has ripped the fabric some. 

Those who consider her “property” and treat Her as such, depriving her even basic freedoms of engaging with the world in fresh air and open Sunshine, are reaping what they are sowing, sometimes in pockets and sometimes in societies and countries entirely becoming basket cases. 

A lot has been done. A lot more needs to be done. But the emblems such as Navratri that remind us to bow our heads down to Her in gratitude are powerful reminders of what all She does represent in her nine facets. 

My own humble Naman(salute) to “Her” as she has expressed herself in my life, sometimes nurturing me, sometimes adorning my life, sometimes teaching me and sometimes just delighting me. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


  1. So well written n beautifully expressed๐Ÿ™


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