The Soil by Atul Singh

Though time may shrivel our bodies some

may our hearts yet expand and grow

your skin and mine may lose some shine

may our souls yet forever glow

it’s not time’s toll on our body that

we need fear the most

it’s our heart and soul, when they dry up

life’s curtain draws to a close

a blossoming heart will forevermore

shine through those wrinkled eyes

a vibrant spirit will peek through

no matter how much one hides

the messy dirt, the soil of the land

it harbors all that grows

the prettiest flower and the sweetest fruit

from it’s bosom they spring forth

it’s our hearts, the soil of the land

that need nurture, tending and toil

the youthful skin, the gleaming smile

then beam forever from it’s core

some compassion and some gratitude 

when we pour into our roots

lasting are the vibrant hues

of our radiant Heart and Soul


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have a nice rhythm to this. You have a way with the pen my friend. Poignant "our hearts yet expand' !

  3. Beautiful thoughts words and flow ..easy read yet very deep..well done


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