Lighted Naked Tree 


Walking on a cold, winter late afternoon and deeply engrossed in my thoughts, I happened to look at the trees around. What could be interesting about winter? I wondered for a moment, “Cloudy, cold, dry, dull days surrounded by still naked trees”. Suddenly, I felt a strong connection between me and a dull wintry day.

                             My personal life was going through an emotional roller-coaster and I was dealing with lots of health issues too. Together it was driving me nuts. I felt as if my life had turned into that cold, still wintry day. While walking, I reached at the end of my street and happened to notice a lovely gigantic, lighted naked tree. It was covered with bright red, blue, yellow and green lights and was looking absolutely stunning. I paused for a moment and admired its beauty and thought “wow how magical! I wondered at the capacity of artificial lights of transforming the outlook of that dry, still and dull naked tree into a gorgeous and magical one! It became so inspirational that I thought, why can’t I try to do something similar in my life. What could be lights in my life? My heart answered, “go home and practice some Lata’s songs you have been wanting to for a while.” Just then I realized that I got my lights and rushed back home.

                             If artificial lights can turn a still, dry tree into a magical, stunning tree then why can’t my singing hobby can brighten my day. Eureka, I rushed home and searched some old hits by Lata on you tube. I started listening to them on regular basis while cooking or doing some light house hold chores. Happiness is a habit which should be practiced and reminded every day. We all are good at something but need to find out that something is very important for us and our sanity.  



  1. So poignant and relatable. Inspiration is all around us. It seems to seek us as much as we seek it.

  2. 💕 great article! very poignant and thoughtful!

  3. Beautiful thought and how well you have expressed it ! Looking forward to being the happy listener of your beautiful voice !

  4. Very poignant thought, Sujata! We all have our gifts that make us happy. Singing is such a beautiful gift and it is a universal language. Thank you for sharing! / Rakesh

  5. So relatable... Winters always make me feel kind of depressed and low so I could relate so well to this. And Lata is one of my fav singers. Look forward to listening to your voice


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