Tara's GONG

Tara, a young girl with braided hair and bright smile always carries an aura of happiness, lived in a small village tucked between gentle hills. Her entire existence was centered around a mysterious gong whose vibrations marked the passage of each day. Tara woke up each morning as she heard the quiet hum of a gong. A loud tune of the gong announced the start of her schoolday. A steady and slow rhythm signaled her bedtime.
Tara's relationship with the mysterious gong deepened as she grew. It turned into her life's pulse, incorporating a distinct cadence into every day experiences. The locals were in awe of her ability to harmonize her life with the metallic instrument's throbbing echoes.

As the years went by, Tara grew and moved to a bustling busy city in pursuit of growth and learning. Initially Tara missed the comforting sounds of the mysterious gong and was pulled into the busy tunes of the vibrant city of New York. 

As years progressed, Tara found a new heartbeat in the middle of the city. Standing on a rooftop among New York's colorful energy on New Year's Eve, she watched the city get ready to celebrate the start of a new chapter. She closed her eyes and a sudden rush of adrenaline made her feel the gong tolling among the applause and faint background chatter of jubilation. She could hear the lively sounds of the metropolis blending with her memories of her town.
Tara grinned, understanding that the gong had become more than just her habit; it was now an integral part of who she was. She discovered harmony—a link between the busy present and her past—in the clamor of the New Year's bell. Resonating like the gong that had formed her journey from a village child to an urban dweller in the throbbing center of New York, she welcomed the beauty of a life intertwined intricately with the threads of time with each toll.


  1. Very nice take on the esoteric subject. Lovely read. Nicely done!!


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